- Whatever was the interpretation and the explanation, the US President approved Qatar’s siege and its punishment, he considered that as an outcome of the success of his visits to the region and stopping the funding of terrorism.
- The accusation of Qatar is in its place, but does the accuser direct his accusation to the right place?
- A year ago, George Biden the Vice President of Barack Obama at the Harvard University said that one of the reasons of the growing of terrorism is that Washington’s allies in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Turkey betted on using terrorism, its funding, and its arming to get rid of the Syrian President, but Washington has overlooked that, so that was deadly fault.
- Biden said that the bet was on the success of toppling the Syrian President and the remaining of the terrorism under control, but the bet fell in its two aspects.
- Biden then apologized from Turkey and Saudi Arabia in particular.
- The question is not about showing Qatar as the forefront of the terrorism financers, but about the reason of excluding Saudi Arabia which is the source, the producer, and the financer of the Wehabbi thought which represents according to the discussions of Congress the intellectual source of terrorism.
- The answer is in Trump’s visit, the one who pays to Washington, his name will be removed from the list.
- Whether Qatar pays or its Prince is toppled and thus the Emirate falls, Saudi Arabia will pay for it.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-06-07 | عدد القراءات 2189