- Mohammed Bin Salman celebrates his winning over the former Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef who was approaching from the moment of acceding to the throne; he was called the strong man of America in Saudi Arabia.
- Mohammed Bin Salman reaches the authority after two big failures, in which he wanted to achieve victory to assume the power; his war in Yemen and his siege of Qatar, but the failure in them has accelerated his agenda.
- Mohammed Bin Salman reaches from the accession to throne after the US cost of the removal of Mohammed Bin Nayef was five hundreds billions dollars, which the US President has got it after his visit to Riyadh.
- Nothing has left for Riyadh whether money or prestige.
- The oil is depleted and its price is falling, and the revenues are reserved in advance for paying off debts that are growing up and accumulating.
- There are no opportunities to improve the leadership of Riyadh in the Gulf, Syria, or Iraq.
- Mohammed Bin Salman dominates on Saudi youth generation which is obsessed with dreams of change, freedoms, and prosperity which will not come true.
- Due to the fanaticism of Bin Salman and his extremism Saudi Arabia is waiting the dangers of civil confrontations that destabilize it.
- The ceiling of the leadership of Bin Salman is to compete the Prince of Qatar on the title of the young leader.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-06-27 | عدد القراءات 2222