Nasser Kandil wrote: Summit of neither solutions nor wars

  • The issue is not related to disputes to be resolved by the dialogue of the presidents of America and Russia; however it is a clear collision between two announced contradictory positions.
  • Russia wants to impose its presence as a force parallel to America in the international political, economic, and military equations, while Washington wants to deal with Russia as a second-class country as every country which makes its efforts and uses its capacities to impose its goal which has many gains.
  • The dialogue benefits the existential conflict in order to show the final messages sent by one force to anotherabout the futility of the continuation of the fighting.
  • The conviction of the futility of the war is a starting point in order to reach the understanding which has two conditions.
  • The first condition is the conviction that the cost of the recognition of the alternatives is less than the cost of the continuation of the confrontation.
  • The second condition is the ability to promote the alternatives in a way that does not affect the main speech of the country which will recognize change and the acceptance of the concessions.
  • In the Russian-US situation the confrontation reached to an extent where Washington is no longer able to do more.
  • The recognition of change is of high cost for Washington comparing with the cost of disrupting the solutions and preventing the dedication of the victory of Russia as the US politics in Syria and Ukraine.
  • The cost of the understanding with Russia is still high in the eyes of the US public opinion. The campaigns of accusing the administration of the PresidentDonald Trump with weakness in front of Russia have succeeded, so it wasobliged to prove the contrary.
  • There will be no wars because there is no horizon to change anything, and there will be no solutions because their cost is still high.
  • Linking the dispute and putting the rules of engagement is the ceiling of the possible rationality of Putin-Trump summit.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-07-16 | عدد القراءات 1862