- With exception to what is paid by Syria, the resistance, Iraq, and Yemen in the arenas they announce that their compass is Palestine, the Jerusalem Day was to prove that, the Palestinians believe in the validity of the linkage between those wars and their wars, but it seems that the death is controlling the Arab position towards the Palestinian cause.
- Cairo is preoccupied with three issues; its war with the terrorism, its partnership with Saudi Arabia and UAE in confronting Qatar, and the common Palestinian arrangements with UAE, where Israel is not far from. These arrangements end with the understanding with Hamas Movement to assign Mohammed Dhlan as a prime minister in Gaza.
- Cairo is in better situation than Riyadh the center of the Arab money and politics for many decades after the era of Gamal Abdul Nasser. It preoccupies with the normalization with Israel towards an alliance that ends with the lowest prices the Palestinian cause, it became a public alliance entitled the hostility against Iran.
- It was proven that the Arabs have the courage to wage wars; the war of Yemen which costs human beings, money, and buildings is an example. Their wars last for years.
- It was proven that they perfect the art of boycotting, now they make the superpowers choose between them and between their partner Qatar.
- But they have not done anything for the sake of Palestine whether waging a war or boycotting.
- What is important is that the Palestinians have recovered from the disease of waiting what the Arabs will do; they are trying to draw their tomorrow with what they have.
- The Jerusalem process says: today there is no fear for Palestine even if all the Arabs sign an instrument of selling it, because their words, their wars, and their politics have no longer a value.
- For the sake of Palestine there are fighting people who do not wait for anyone and a resistant alliance that is winning and preparing itself to return to the line of confrontation.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-07-24 | عدد القراءات 2072