- The Israelis commented on the statement of the Arab League and Aboul Gheit about Jerusalem's red line by saying that the one who threatens and who draws red line has to be protected well, so what about Aboul Gheit protection.
- They said that we may need to deal with the bullying of Aboul Gheit, to negotiate with him, and to reach to a compromise but not out of fear of him in case we surpass the red line or if we play with fire, but out of another fear from which he is afraid too, it is the axis with which the League is fighting with us, so we are afraid that it will have the decision in Palestine and Jerusalem.
- The Israelis are afraid from the threat of the recovery of Syria and its rise under the leadership of its president and army, they are afraid of the growing force of Hezbollah and they take into consideration the rootedness of the status of the Syrian President and the leader of the resistance among the Palestinian people who are looking contemptibly towards the League and Aboul Gheit.
- The Israelis were taking into consideration the Arab League when Syria was in it, because they know that the resistance forces are confident in its leadership, so whenever there was a threat by the League, Syria was behind it was supported by the resistance forces, so the Arab countries were obliged to be involved in an unescapable escalation run by Syria.
- Those who stood behind getting Syria out of the League were thinking that they would be stronger if they had control on the League in their own way, but they have discovered that the League without Syria is just a name that no one cares about.
- Perhaps tomorrow the Israelis will ask Aboul Gheit to announce a decision in order to be adopted by the League to avoid the escalation, not because they believed his red line or his threat, but because the center of the League and its spirit are in Damascus and they still represent the threat which Israel is afraid of its adoption by the Palestinians, Between Jerusalem, Damascus, and the Southern suburb the red line is drawn while the rest is nonsense or Aboul Gheit.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-07-30 | عدد القراءات 2252