Nasser Kandil wrote: Israel is seeing Golan in Juroud Arsal

  • The Israeli and the Western commenters meet on dealing with the battles of Juroud Arsal and Qalamoun waged by Hezbollah and the Syrian army and in coordination with the Lebanese army in a way that goes beyond just  ending the strategic presence of Al Nusra front as a branch of A-Qaeda organization, where it dominates on thousands of square kilometers between Lebanon and Syria in an area that does not have borders with Turkey or Israel as its situation in the Northern of Syria and its southern to form the only independent central base for the organization.
  • The commenters and the analysts look at the matter from the point of similarity and symmetry between the military geography of Qalamoun and Golan as an area, the kind of terrain, and the population density, and their being under the domination of the Syrian army, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese army and where the sharing of roles in any upcoming battle is subject to comparison.
  • The analysts meet on the meaning of the swift accomplishment and the domination over high hills with new fighting techniques, qualitative weapons, and capabilities and skills that are shown for the first time, coordination of fire, and achieving injures that surpass the capacities of the professional elite of the advanced armies.
  • The military analysts wonder about the degrees of similarity of how to liberate nearly two thousand square kilometers in Juroud Arsal and Golan with a population that is only few thousands, with waging the first strike from behind the main defensive lines where Hezbollah's progress is from Syria, while in Golan, it can progress from Shebaa Farms. They wonder is there any justification for Netanyahu's position towards the calm agreement in the south of Syria along with these data?
  • They talk a lot about the degree of the fiery and combating coordination between the units of Hezbollah and the units of the Syrian army from Aleppo to Juroud, and they say that we are in font of new strategic situation, so can the government understand it and consider it?
  • Some pessimists in Israel say towards what is going in Jerusalem and Al Aqsa, we must feel that we have fallen in a strategic trap that is settled in order to drive us to unequal confrontation, may be it is too late to get out of the plan of Al Sayyed Hassan Narollah which he drew towards the big strategic ambush. All of that is due to the political stupidity and the arrogance of the political leadership.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-07-30 | عدد القراءات 2147