Nasser Kandil wrote: Why do the traitors protest upon their description with treachery ?

  • The one who observes how some of the TV channels and  spokesmen deal with the battles of Hezbollah in JuroudArsal will remember how they dealt with its war against Israel during the liberation of the south and then in the war of July.
  • In all these battles the ordinary good people in Lebanon and the Arab world are anticipating to hear news of the victory of Hezbollah that quenches their thirst of winning over the Israeli enemy or the terrorism, because they know that the defeat of Hezbollah will mean that Israel and the terrorism will be free from any controls and thus more of aggression and crimes.
  • Some of those who say with every accomplishment achieved by Hezbollah we have not yet the confirmation, and then they add that the decisive battle has not started yet, what has been accomplished was due to the tactics of the opponent and its plans of retreat, making a trap for Hezbollah, there is no value for the false victories, then they say that these victories will not benefit neither Lebanon nor the Arabs because Hezbollah is a traitor to Iran, knowing that the previous accusation was often Hezbollah was improving the negotiating position of Iran regarding its nuclear file, but after the understanding was accomplished it becamethe improvement of its worried position towards the American-Russian understanding. They ended saying anyway what is going on is disruption of the negotiation endeavors, that can lead to something either with Israel or with the terrorism. They add that this weakens the Lebanese country and will lead tothe collapse of its status,moreover this is out of the national consensus, so their words are the same whether the war is with Israel or with the terrorism.
  • They did not pay attention that they should fear Hezbollah's defeat not its winning.
  • They did not remember that Hezbollah did not spend the excess of its victories to discipline them or to impose stronger presence in the game of balancing the sects and the ruling.
  • This time they try to a wage a side battle entitled accusing it with treachery, because they feel that they are isolated even in their street, because all the people are supporting Hezbollah, so they are trying to remind the people of strife.
  • So ignore them and do not give them any plea.
  • They accuse Hezbollah of treason to Iran and that it benefits from its position, on the other hand they protest of being accused of treason to Israel although it is the only beneficiary from their position, but they want the accusation to be a plea for an oppressive claim, so do not give them any reason to dismiss the attention from the apparent victory, let them lose their marbles.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-07-31 | عدد القراءات 2056