Nasser Kandil wrote: The Israeli raid and the response

  • The Israelis identified a date for their maneuver, they decided to launch a raid from the Lebanese airspaces, and they thought that they took sufficient precautions by not penetrating the Syrian airspaces and the exposing to the risk of a possible response to the raid 
  • The Israelis announced about the raid contrary to the past, their newspapers wrote about what can be applied on the war situations, where the analyses are part of the promoting campaign.
  • The conclusion is distributed between calling Russia to interfere to prevent Hezbollah from positioning in the southern of Syria in order to prevent the repetition of the similar raids and undermine the status of Russia, and between the warning that Syria will be subject to the Israeli strikes if it does not separate its victory from the expansion of Hezbollah’s force, but most importantly is that Israel has become a partner in drawing the future of Syria. The intension here is the desire to do so.
  • The Israelis did not put into their consideration that the Russian-Syrian-Iranian understanding with Hezbollah includes a Russian coverage of an action led by Syria to recapture Golan as a condition to arrange the situation in the south. What Israel does facilitates this task by keeping the tension till the end of the battles with ISIS and Al Nusra and the restoration of the Syrian geography by the Syrian army.
  • The response to the raid will be present, if Israel accepted to keep silent then it would fall the raid’s goals and if it responded to the response it would pave the way for a similar response to the response and a gradual escalation that paves the way for opening the file of Golan rather than the file of the presence of Hezbollah.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,



2017-09-10 | عدد القراءات 2147