Nasser Kandil wrote: The one who dismantles Al-Nusra is the one who unified it

  • Neither the Turks nor the Saudis seem to be concerned about how to ensure the areas of calm about which they have committed to Moscow whether in Idlib or in the countryside of Damascus.
  • The Turks and the Saudis commit to resolve the presence of Al Nusra in these areas and to ensure the deployment of Russian forces in Idlib and Iranian forces in the countryside of Damascus with the support of their armed groups which were either an ally to Al Nusra or one of its formations.
  • The disengagement of Ahrar Al Sham and the Failak of Al Rahman and the split of leaders and formations of Al Nusra are intelligence steps that are implemented by Turkish-Saudi decision.
  • The one who can dismantle Al Nusra and separate its alliances was putting its importance to unify its ranks and to form a front of allies to it.
  • These are important steps for the salvation of Syria, but they do not cover the fact that the one who was behind the decision of the war on Syria and the one who stood with Al-Qaeda organization for many years is the one who created the legend of Al Nusra as the myth of ISIS was made.
  • The Syrians are concerned to take all the steps that decrease the burdens of their country and their blood, but during their reading of history they will not be tolerate with all the black chapters and deeds by those who conspired against them and shed their blood.
  • The sign of the victory of Syria is that those who affected it badly are repenting of their deeds despite their wish.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-09-18 | عدد القراءات 1990