- Despite the rational voices of the parties of Talbani and the Kurdish Democratic Front and their boycott of the parliament’s meeting which was dedicated to vote for authorizing the government to conduct the referendum, Masoud Barazani and his party were going on in the game of the abyss.
- Till now, it can be said that the announcement of going on in the referendum on the secession has granted golden opportunities to Barazai to negotiate about gains that their reaching was unattainable before.
- But what if Barazani surpassed the negating game and went on in the referendum?
- The Iraqi, Turkish, and the Iranian positions say that the rate of escalation will increase in the neighborhood, and the option of the closure of borders will be probable, in this case the bet on a new negotiation from a stronger position will be wrong, because stopping going on towards the secession, and just keeping the results of the referendum as a pressing paper will be unconsidered gamble.
- So far, the Iraqi government is considering the procedures to stop salaries and may be to provide electricity to the region and to suspend the telephone services. Iran announces its intention to close the borders, while Turkey holds emergently the National Security Council. The information says about stopping the pumping of oil from Kirkuk across Turkey.
- The negotiation after the referendum will be from a weak position, entitled stopping the procedures of boycott in exchange of the acceptance of considering the referendum as illegal. This is a political suicide and going on in the secession will be a complete suicide.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-09-20 | عدد القراءات 2144