Nasser Kandil wrote: The right of self-determination of the Kurds

  • Some people think that objecting the idea of the secession of the Iraqi Kurdistan is as a position against the rights of people of their self-determination.
  • The scrutiny in the situation of Kurdistan confirms that the right of self-determination has been achieved and its results were respected.
  • The Kurds have their own independent state, president, government, army, and their independent finance, and above all of that the right of guardianship over the movement of the Iraqi army towards the federal state, if it needs to enter to the territories of Kurdistan it is treated as a foreign army and the money of the Iraqi oil which is exported to Turkey  enters the account of the leaders of Kurdistan, moreover the airports, and the crossings with the neighboring countries are under their control. This means that there is no unified country in Iraq but two states and fragile federal formula that is similar to the formula of the European Union among its independent states.
  • The referendum on dismantling the federal formula surely does not include the right of occupying Kirkuk or other Iraqi territories. The withdrawal from the federal formula based on long flexible negotiation that is capable to reach to understandings that reassure the neighborhood and allow the smooth transition under conditions that do not make use of the destructive state of war which Iraq is still experiencing it.
  • What the leaders of the Iraqi Kurdistan are doing is exploiting the preoccupation of Iraq in the war to steal Kirkuk, this is not related to the achieved right of self-determination, and which led to the independent state within the formula of federal cooperation that its dismantling needs to resolve the disputes and the outstanding issues with Baghdad by negotiation, as the referendum and where it will be hold and when?
  • The supporters of the referendum under the pretext of the right of self-determination prefer the bullying to the rights of others and their self-determination rather than the rights of people of their self-determination.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-10-05 | عدد القراءات 2034