- The Kurds of Syria have witnessed as the Kurds of Turkey the scene of the Iraqi Kurdistan, if the international, the regional, and the self-circumstances were available for the secession of the Kurdish entity from the motherland then it would be available with best conditions for the Iraqi Kurdistan, but when the experience of the Kurds of Iraq failed in the secession on its first days then it is a message that must be read carefully by those who advocate the secession among the Kurds of Syria in particular.
- The American temptation of the Kurds of Syria has been tested in Iraq, as the Saudi-Israeli encouragement but the result was zero.
- The threat of Syrian-Iraqi-Turkish-Iranian alliance that will drop the project of the secession has emerged strongly in Iraq, so there is no need to test it again in Syria.
- Testing the ability of the separatist entity to withstand against the danger of blockade, and the challenge of the national decision by having control on the sovereign capacities and the bordered crossings have been presented by the Kurdish experience in Iraq, the result was clear where the best conditions without comparison, so who is that fool who thinks among the Kurds of Syria to repeat the tragedy and to pay its cost doubly.
- The Kurds of Syria are waiting for the wise men as the allies of the late Iraqi President Jalal Al-Talibani, in order to put the unity of Syria above the partisanship, and to accept what is resulted by the consensus to the temptations of the challenge of secession in order to say to the adventurers and gamblers who take them under the American flag to the death Stop. That’s enough.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-10-19 | عدد القراءات 2132