- Within one month a process of receipt and handing over between ISIS and Peshmerga has taken place in the northern of Mosul and in Al Hawija in the southern of Kirkuk, where hundreds of ISIS have surrendered to Peshmerga.
- Within one month a process of receipt and handing over between ISIS and the Democratic Forces of Syria has taken place under the leadership of the Kurds in the countryside of Deir Al-Zour for several times in order to prevent the progress of the Syrian army.
- Recently, a process of receipt and handing over between ISIS and the Kurdish militias has taken place in Al Raqqa, where the Kurdish militias were responsible for the countryside of Deir Al-Zour and the oil fields, while ISIS which withdrew from Al Raqqa was responsible for Al Boukamal.
- The relationship of the Americans with the Kurdish leadership in Iraq and in Syria, and with ISIS alone explains the receipt and the handing over, and explains the last moments of the desperate attempts by the Americans to play with the last cards after ISIS.
- The Americans were forced to repeat the receipt and the handing over in Kirkuk after the Kurdish separatist front has been violated by the position of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan party and the Iranian role through neutralizing Al Suleimanieh from Erbil.
- No matter how the Americans do, they are repeating in Syria what they have done in Iraq when they handed over the areas of ISIS’s domination to Peshmerga, but at the end the Peshmerga was forced to hand over them to the Iraqi army. So as they handed over the areas of ISIS’s domination to the Kurdish groups in Syria, they will be obliged together to hand over them to the Syrian army.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-10-23 | عدد القراءات 1941