Nasser Kandil wrote: Al Nusra vs. Hezbollah

  • The Israeli escalation with the support of the militants of Al Nusra front is a desperate attempt, if the goal was to go to a confrontation that ends with the control of Al Nusra on the area of Mount Hermon and later in the Golan borders belt as the Israelis hoped.
  • The stage in which Al Nusra was rising in all Syria years ago, and in which Israel was able to intervene strongly in the depth of Syria has passed, but at the same time this did not succeed in preventing the development of the balances of forces in the southern of Syria in favor of the Syrian army and the allies in a way that imposed an equation, that obliged the Americans to accept the truce agreement in the southern of Syria through dismantling the militias supported by America in favor of the Syrian army.
  • It is impossible to imagine a unilateral Israeli behavior for a project which America is working contrary to, but only if it was a tactical movement.
  • The agreement of the southern of Syria in which Israel has publicly said that it does not accept it and it tries at least to modify is a Russian-American in process agreement.
  • The main objection of Israel is its bet on getting guarantees by alienating Hezbollah from the borders of Golan.
  • In the last quarter-hour Israel is trying to play at the brink of the abyss to impose a barter entitled to stop supporting Al Nusra front towards accepting the elimination of its militants in exchange of guarantees to alienate Hezbollah.
  • The Israeli game may bring what is more difficult for Israel if it continues, the bombs fell at Israeli positions in response to the Israeli bombardment, or if Golan intifada develops through operations commando.
  • The resistance will not get out of the southern of Syria under Israeli demand.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,




2017-11-10 | عدد القراءات 1891