- The Saudi Crown Prince is aware that the shows of power which he makes in the Saudi interior and which affect the Princes, the religious men, the businessmen, and the retired Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al- Hariri may increase his money and his power in the Saudi interior, but it will not change the fact that his fate is related at the end to the war which he waged against Yemen and wanted it to be his way to the throne.
- Due to the failure of his war on Yemen, Bin Salman was obliged to resort to indirect way to take over the thrown, which he wanted to avoid by the victory which was not achieved in Yemen.
- Bin Salman was obliged to raise the red card in Lebanon by withdrawing A-Hariri from the settlement, because he did not win in the war on Yemen.
- At the end, the maneuvers will end and Bin Salman has to prove his presence in the war fields of Yemen.
- Neither Hezbollah nor Iran will accept to barter Bin Salam for the government of Al-Hariri with the fall of Al Hodeida, or with exerting pressures on their allies in Yemen to accept reduce their missiles in favor of protecting a governmental settlement in Lebanon.
- Neither Hezbollah nor Syria nor Iran will accept to leave Al Raqqa under the control of the Kurdish emirate to cover the US occupation in exchange of a governmental settlement in Lebanon.
- The escalation is a refused negotiating proposal and the resignation of Al-Hariri became beyond those who concerned in the axis of resistance. Bin Salamn will not win in the next battle of Yemen, so the fate of his throne will be written not by how much he gets from the princes, and not from the satisfaction of the US President.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-11-13 | عدد القراءات 2229