- As what happened to the agreement of the southern of Syria few months ago, according to the description of Dennis Ross; the expert of the US–Israeli relations and who is strongly biased to Israel that the American statements support the Israeli reservations, but its actions are towards something else.
- In the agreement of Southern of Syria, Israel protested on what has been said about Moscow-Washington understanding, the US President Donald Trump has adopted in his tweets the demands of Israel, but in fact as Ross said America has deprived the militias which it already armed of its weapons, because they did not abide by the understanding with Moscow.
- On Debka, The Israeli website which belongs to MOSSAD there is a report that states that the new understanding between Moscow and Washington has not respected the Israeli demand of alienating Iran and its allies from the borders for fifty kilometers, and that the talk revolves around distances that have no military values for Israel.
- The statement of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about not to consider this issue in the Russian –American understanding and the US hypocrisy has been accompanied with Syrian-Russian provocation of the illegitimacy of the US presence in Syria.
- The Wall Street Journal said that Trump and Tillerson are using the diplomacy of calming down the tension because they do not want to collide with Moscow, after it became the decisive force in Syria and the neighborhood.
- The Americans know that the end of ISIS will abolish their pretext of staying in Syria and their exposing to the Syrian resistance as an occupation power, as well as the exposure of their Kurdish cover to a war as a separatist force, while the understanding with Moscow ensures the inclusion of the Kurds to the political solution and assures a secure withdrawal of the Americans in conjunction with the political solution.
- The American debate is fabricated.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2017-11-23 | عدد القراءات 1707