Nasser Kandil wrote: Al-Sabhan and Kushner

  • Al-Sabhan has managed the Lebanese file after he had managed the Iraqi one in favor of his masters in Riyadh; in both cases he brought failure, loss, humiliation, and the decline of status.
  • Al-Sabhan has been withdrawn to Riyadh after the intentions of the Iraqis to expel him. After a period of time he has been promoted to be a minister of the Gulf Affairs and he has been given the file of Lebanon.
  • In Lebanon, the main file of Al-Sabhan was to tame the Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri; he has engineered his detention and has imposed the statement of the resignation on him.
  • Mohammed Bin Salman did not object Al-Sabhan’s plan morally, but he paid its cost politically, there was a talk in the corridors “let Al-Sabhan take over the file of the Syrian opposition and keep him away from Lebanon”.
  • In Washington, Jared Kushner the son-in-law of the US President Donald Trump emerged as an extraordinary minister, and a special presidential envoy to many files, but his most important task was the Saudi file and the file of the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.
  • The crisis of the war of Yemen, the support of Kushner of the Saudi plans to continue, the scandal of kidnapping the Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri, the partnership of Kushner in it, and the Qatari-Saudi crisis managed by Kushner in favor of Riyadh have caused severe criticisms from the State and the Intelligence to the role of Kushner.
  • The bombing of the relationship with the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the threat of closing its bureau in Washington, furthermore the refusal of the Palestinian President to answer the call of Kushner has been raised in Washington to remove Kushner.
  • Al-Sabhan and Kushner are signs of scandals of the brutality of the bankrupt policies.

Translated by  Lina Shehadeh,




2017-11-27 | عدد القراءات 1834