Nasser Kandil wrote: Syria does not distribute consolation prizes

  • The Syrian opposition in Riyadh is behaving as if it is a necessity for the political solution, and that due to this advantage it grants its members the opportunities to blackmail, after they lost every powerful card in the field that imposes them a mandatory partner in the political process.
  • The Syrian country which succeeded with its allies in exposing the false representation of the Syrian opposition in Riyadh and showing them as a mere façade of the terrorist groups does not find that it  needs to offer consolation prizes to whom it defeated in the field by giving roles that they do not worth in politics.
  • The Syrian opposition in Riyadh pretended to be clever by making a statement that demands the departure of the Syrian President for a political solution and a delegation that includes groups that do not commit to this ceiling, in addition it adds a paragraph that calls for direct negotiations without preconditions, as a response to the Russian condition that has been transferred by Saudi Arabia, where the manipulation between these titles becomes politics.
  • The position of Syria through refusing the negotiation with a position that includes precondition that is related to the Syrian presidency stems from having alternative options that were prepared with Moscow, under the title of Sochi Conference, the one who does not want Geneva, will exclude himself not the political process, since the condition of the continuation of Geneva is to abandon Riyadh’s statement.
  • Riyadh’s statement is similar to the Kurdish referendum on secession and the failure of its launchers, whether with regard to the fact that its abolishment is a condition for the start of the dialogue or with regard to the playing with words, and the pretension of cleverness, since the issue is not in the form, because the one who suffers is concerned himself with his crisis, since no one will grant him a consolation prize.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2017-11-29 | عدد القراءات 1928