Saleh’s war was allocated against Al-Hariri and Al-Barzani

Written by Nasser Kandil,

Within three years the Saudis, the Americans, and those who are with them have burnt three cards which their making and sponsorship have cost money, time, and battles. The Saudis have pushed Masoud Al-Barazani with an American encouragement to use his ability of riot and confusion against the resistance axis, although they have already known that he would be defeated, but they betted that he would grant them more time for months and may be for years.

Al-Barazani went on in the plan, but when he discovered that he would fight alone, he preferred to avoid the destruction of his country, so he accepted the defeat without costs, therefore the first episode of the bet which gathered Mohammed Bin Salman, Mohammed Bin Zayed, and Jared Kouchner fell.

This alliance of trio has resorted to another suicide bomber; they chose the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri. When the scene and the repercussions of declaring the war against Hezbollah became ready, they kidnapped him, dictated him the statement, and they forced him to read. But what was not taking into consideration was the triple position of the President of the Republic Michael Aoun, the Speaker of the parliament Nabih Berri, and the Secretary –General of Hezbollah Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah through the equation” Let Al-Hariri return back first, then we will consider the resignation.

The Europeans have caused the failure of the triple plan when they received the security reports which say that the fall of the government and the disability in Lebanon will mean the flow of the displaced people to the coasts of Europe and its capitals, and that the blood of the Europeans will be fuel for the sleeping dormant cells which are deterred in Lebanon if they infiltrated to Europe, so the endeavors of saving Al-Hariri from kidnapping and saving Lebanon from the suicidal war have succeeded.

Then, the trio has headed towards Yemen; they studied the file of the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the limits of his demands in order to get him involved in their war. It is clear since his joining to Ansar Allah that the US and the Gulf sanctions on his money and sons have been lifted, and he was ensured of an independent position for him far from Mansour Hadi in the next settlement. Al Shikh Mohammed Bin Zayed has arranged the understanding, while Saleh has prepared his group to create a chaos in order to find a pretext to blow up the war and to declare the coup.

The trio Kouchner, Bin Salman, and Bin Zayed have revealed their role in the coup by announcing the support, Abdullah Saleh has revealed his groups, but no one has noticed that the power of Saleh has changed, and no one has considered what was the meaning when the people, tribes, soldiers who were supporting Saleh as a leader to resist the aggression remained with him as a penetration of the aggression. Three years were enough for the leaders of tribes and the armed forces to interact with the new position entitled confronting the Saudi aggression. Furthermore, the history of the relationship of Ansar Allah with Saleh was a sufficient reason to be prepared for the moment of coup. The tripartite which emerged repeatedly in Sana’a between the army, committees, and the people was not fake or a visual deception, because it led millions to go out to squares while the Saudi aviation was bombing the capital.

Ansar Allah absorbed the shock, they interacted with its limits, moreover they addressed all who are involved including Saleh to stop the strife, but when the elements of resolving became ready they started the cleansing, so what was going on militarily and politically was clear and the mediations to set Saleh free were true, as the Yemeni missile on Abu Dhabi, and having control on the most neighborhoods of Sana’a and their cleansing them from Saleh’s groups were true too.

Saleh took over the responsibility of the suicidal war from which Al-Barazani has withdrawn partially, thus he saved his region from destruction, and he was saved from isolation, so the losses were determined after the first mistake. It is the suicidal war from which Al-Hariri has withdrawn completely, thus he gained a lot, and his country was saved, and instead of strife there was a national unity. Saleh tells Al-Barazani, Al-Hariri, and their followers and the people of the two countries what was waiting for everyone, and what did the Saudi donations include?

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2017-12-06 | عدد القراءات 1994