The aggression’s reaping and Salman’s summit

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It is certain that the announced goal of Washington, Paris, and London for the aggression is to justify the failure and the inability, by saying that the goal is intended to hit the chemical sites, which is denied by the facts, because the targeted sites as the scientific research center was expected to be on the list of the goals. So if the Western talk was true about the presence of a chemical weapon then seven days between the threat of war and the date of the aggression would be more than enough for evacuating them in case the concerned was a militia rather than a professional army. But the West cannot justify its resorting to use the Red Sea and the Gulf bases to launch the warplanes and missiles, other than escaping from the confrontation of the Russian radars and missiles which cover the west and the north of Syria, after it imposed on the NATO the recognition that the Mediterranean Sea has become a taboo for them. It is the most important geo-strategic transition in the wars of the seas in which the fate of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea has been resolved and now the Mediterranean has been added to them. Therefore, the major war was on the Gulf and the Red Sea, which means more vital position of the war of Yemen which is taking place on these two fronts.

It is certain from the confrontation between the Syrian air defenses and the aggression missiles that the closure of the Western and the northern fronts from Russia, and the natural closure of the Eastern front in Iraq has made the confrontation on the Southern fronts, so that allowed the sharing of roles between the Russian and the Syrian operations military rooms in managing these fronts which are observed by the ballistic missile control room in Siberia which notifies the Syrian operations room in Damascus with the track of every new missile that enters the Syrian airspace in order to be dealt with it through a developed network of traps designed for this purpose. Therefore, the outcome known by the eye-witnesses and which cannot be ignored by the observers is the insignificant result of the aggression’s reaping in the field. The missiles fell without achieving any valuable goals or they were dropped and exploded before reaching the ground.

It is certain that  the moral situation of the Syrian people, the Syrian Arab army, and the Syrian leadership were present in that battle, and the monitoring of the Syrian border crossings and the size of the flow of the displaced in escape of the aggression on Saturday morning was as important as the monitoring of the military goals of the aggression and as the degree of the self-restraint of soldiers and the officers and their presence in the field, their cohesion in the combating and technical dealing with the missiles which preceded by media preparation to  frighten  the people. But the most important was the military and the political leadership and how it reacts in the moments of aggression. The disaster which fell on the leaders of Washington, Paris, and London along with the rulers of Gulf and Tel Aviv is the shocking news of the celebration of the Syrians in the squares while the missiles are falling before their eyes, and the Syrian soldiers who shot with their rifles the missiles which the anti-missiles gunners dealt with them quietly, with high spirit, and strong determination. In contrast, the real nerve gas in this war which was astounding was the video published on the website of the Syrian Arab Republic about the entry of the Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad to his presidential office at seven o’clock while the smoke was still rising from the sites of the fall of the missiles.

The Arab Summit which was scheduled two weeks ago and was postponed waiting for the results of the summit for imposing the conditions of surrender on Syria was transferred to Dhahran instead of Riyadh, because Riyadh is no longer secure due to the Yemeni missiles which became daily events. As a result of the failure of the aggression, the holders of the summit hastened towards Jerusalem to steal its name to their summit in order to cover some of the scandals which affected them due to the humiliation.

The French President who thought that he could be in two places and at the same time as an acrobat hastened to talk about the political path of Geneva in order to cover the sandal of failure, but he received the answer through a Russian-Iranian statement resulted from the telephone call between the Presidents Vladimir Putin and Hassan Rohani, in which they converged that the aggression on Syria will complicate the opportunity of the political solution, but what was not understood by Macron about the symbolism of the statement was referred to by Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah that Geneva track would be the first victims of the aggression on Syria.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2018-04-17 | عدد القراءات 1838