Nasser Kandil wrote: Macron is as frivolous as the French badge of honor

  • The French President Emmanuel Macron is behaving as a teenager, he changes his positions from one extreme to another, and he tries to show the Americans that he can go far in his positions. After he was calling for a dialogue with the Syrian President under the slogan of the priority of the French security, he called for the war on Syria.
  • When the Syrian President retuned the French badge of honor decorated by the former President JacquesChirac, this was a message beyond Macron's morals and mind. It means that the Syrian President is not honored to put a badge from a country participated in the aggression on his country.
  • The badge of honor which the Syrian President seeks to have and he got it deservedly is the trust of his people and the support of the free peoples of the world, the resisters, and those who share the national option with him. The confrontation of the aggression on Syria was an occasion of the declaration of the eligibility of this badge.
  • Due to Macron's rashness,France is losing the opportunity to be an active country in the region, because what Macron did against Syria will be kept in the memory. France will pay the cost in the coming days; political and economic losses.
  • Syria and the free peoples of the region say to Macron that you are frivolous as your badge, so take it and leave. This is not France that we want good relationships with, but when there will be leaders as Charles De Gaulle, then come and talk to the peoples of the region and their resistant leaders at their forefront the President Bashar Al-Assad but surely after apologizing.



2018-04-21 | عدد القراءات 1832