- At the critical moments of the international situations and where the major confrontations are forbidden and where the major compromises start from Korea, Washington seems moving towards solutions that keep its arrogance and at the same time give it the opportunities of the safe positioning in order to accept the compromises under the pretext that; granting opportunities make Israel and Saudi Arabia committing grave mistakes.
- While Washington invokes France and Europe in preparation for the retreat from abolishing the nuclear agreement with Iran and the start of granting opportunities, and while it invokes the negotiation with North Korea to escapee from the failed plans of the escalation in Syria under the slogan of granting Russia more opportunities as a goodwill, Saudi Arabia and Israel were encouraging the escalating intentions of America and building their plans on them.
- Israel bombed Taifor Airport near Homs and killed number of the officers and soldiers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, while Saudi Arabia killed the Yemeni leader Saleh Al Sammad. Thus they opened the way for revenge.
- The Iranian decision to respond to Israel is decisive, as the Yemeni decision to respond to Saudi Arabia, so it is difficult for Washington to intervene after the reactions, with more than announcing the solidarity and the call for self restraint.
- The Israelis and the Saudis are anxious waiting for the reactions.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2018-05-02 | عدد القراءات 1959