- There are three equations that rule the position of Turkey towards the war on Syria; first, without Turkey and its position in leading and protecting war, the image would not have been so brutal and so ugly. Second, after the victory of Aleppo and the Russian-Iranian administration Turkey was driven out of the equation of war- making without moving to the equation of peace- making. Third Turkey is the face of hypocrisy and deception, there is no place for promises and pledges in its politics but the language of the balances of power.
- The Syrian attainable victories allow the transferring to confront the file of the foreign occupation in Syria as a protector and sponsor of what is left of geography out of the control of the Syrian state.
- The Syrian-Russian-Iranian equation is the approach of the file from a political process that suggests the affiliation of all under the unified government that paves the way for constitution and elections under the leadership of the president Al-Assad and the restoration of all Syrian geography.
- The American absence from Astana is a message to disable any negotiation for a political solution.
- Putting Turkey in front of the difficult choices between interpreting the words in deeds and bringing its groups to the political solution under the Syrian conditions, or losing the Russian-Iranian relationship at the time of the American protection of the Kurdish secession project is the mission of Sochi Summit.
- The President Al-Assad got what it wanted from the President Putin about how to deal with the Turks if they escape from the requirements of the new phase exactly as he got what he wanted before the battle of Aleppo but the Turkish deception was a reason for the Russian decision of the military resolving.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2018-05-20 | عدد القراءات 1853