Nasser Kandil wrote: Yemen and the settlement's chances

  • Saudi Arabia had the first chance to change the situation in Yemen represented in the attempt to have control on Sanaa by a coup against the Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh but it failed.
  • The second chance was after the end of the Battle of Gouta in Syria with the defeat of the armed groups supported by Saudi Arabia and their sending to Yemen after the moving of more than three thousand militants from the Army of Islam to Saudi Arabia across Turkey and ended with the ability of the army, committees, and Ansar Allah to foil the attack on Al Hodeidah.
  • There are no new bets to change the geographic military situation since now the time is for bombardment. Saudi Arabia can destroy and kill more in Yemen but it has to bear the fall of the missiles on its depth.
  • The new round of the UN Envoy comes to see whether the time is appropriate to present solutions and pave the way for negotiation towards a settlement.
  • What the Saudis expect is Al Houthis' acceptance to withdraw from Al Hodeidah before a political negotiation that ends with a unified government.
  • What the Saudis expect is the Saudis' acceptance of the political security negotiation for a comprehensive solution.
  • UN resources talk about a comprehensive deal to be proposed by the UN envoy after his last round, it includes a settlement for Hodeidah under UN observers and in conjunction with the starting of political negotiations.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2018-06-10 | عدد القراءات 1822