Russian-Chinese Summit and the files of Iran and Korea

Written by Nasser Kandil,

The Russian-Chinese summit is held in Beijing while there is a talk abouta Chinese-Korean dispute that is considered more probable to lead to a North Korean- American understanding without the knowledge of China, and a talk abouta Russian-Iranian dispute that is considered more probable to lead to an American-Russian understanding without the knowledge of Iran and even at its expense. There are many titles on the agenda of the summit which includes the two main countries which exhaust the image of America as a superpower militarily, economically, politically, and morally. They succeeded in showing it during the last decade as a country that has a lot of debts and cannot wage a war, a country that sells its allies in public and in secret and breaks its promises. The beginning was a cooperation between Beijing and Moscow in 2007 through the double veto against the project of a US resolution in the UN Security Council on Myanmar which became a title of an open confrontation through the repetition of the double veto in the Syrian file in November 2011 to prevent the US unipolar of using the UN Security Council as a cover of the American policies since the fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The debate which the Americans succeeded in its promoting to their rivals and opponents ensures that the domination of the media arena is still for the Americans and their allies, otherwise how to believe the assumptions of US-North Korea understanding without Russia or China? How does Korea quit its future and the sources of its power after half of a century of steadfastness just in exchange for American promises that the position of Washington towards the Iranian nuclear file reveals how they would be?But only if we believe the narration of the surrender of North Korea, However, we saw how the North Korean leader suggested the cancelation of the summit with the US President and we saw how the latter stuck to its holding. On the other hand how can we believe that there is a Russian-Iranian dispute about who will have an understanding with America first while the battle has not changedyet neither in Syria nor in the international arena? Furthermore the US sanctions are still pursuing Russia as they pursue Iran. In addition to the taxes and duties on iron and aluminum which target the Chinese economy, as the national security of China which is targeted by the maneuvers which are performed by Washington in the neighborhood, and what is related to the deployment of strategic weapons as the Thad missile system in South Korea and the sea parts in the China Sea?

During the separating decade from the first veto in which Russia and China participated to announce the end of the era of the US unipolar,Russia and China succeeded in launching Brix system and developing it,as they succeeded in forming frameworks for alliances in the same direction,and as they succeeded in making the war on Syria a turning point in the path of the US military interventions in the world. For the first time after the war of Yugoslavia and the war on Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya Washington hesitates and thinks fully then it disregards the wide military intervention since it knows that it will lose in the war on which it bet to change the rules of the international policy and to create a new Middle East. The Russian and the Chinese bilateral succeeded in building two regional scopes one in the south of Russia towards the borders of Saudi Arabia with Iraq, it  includes Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria and the other in the east and west of China, it includes North Korea, Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. These two scopes have become the center of the major American strategies and interests in the world, due to their strategic position, geopolitical challenge, sources of energy, crossings, and waterways, and the power pipelines.

It is wrong to think that the Russian-Iranian relationship or the Korean or Iranian relationships with Russia and China are approaching their ends. This time is for linking the two regional scopes which are linked across Iran with Russia and China to become one scope. This time is the time of combatting the challenge of the international banking relationships which America sticks to. This time is the time of interest in attracting Europe to a central region between the Chinese-Russian axis and the American one. This time is the time of drawing new rules of the new political and economic relations in the world in the light of the confrontations witnessed by the world since the fall of Berlin Wall and the US unipolar on the international arena, after the success in overthrowing the US policy of war and half way of overthrowing the protection represented by the policies of the US sanctions through the examples of Iran and North Korea,and their ability to withstand and to impose new equations as the Russian-Chinese interest and theIranian-Korean interest. It is the time of more cohesion and more coordination, even if the maneuvers need initiatives as the Russian-Chinese position which refuses the nuclear weapon of Korea, or bartering the US presence in Syria with aspects of the Iranian presence. These pressing cards are made to be used in negotiation not in a war, exactly as the Syrian chemical weapons which end the US campaign on Syria by using in its real place as a tool to prevent the war by presenting it as a way for face-saving of Americawhichfailed to winthe war.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2018-06-11 | عدد القراءات 1901