Nasser Kandil wrote: Idlib will be the forefront and confrontation

All the previous stages witnessed by the war on Syria since the liberation of Aleppo
two years ago, show that the battles decided by the Syrian country are waged for sure,
and that the pressures, temptations, and negotiations do not change this fact, even if
they led to their postpone, and that Syria's allies will remain with it no matter what is
being said since the war is the war of all.
 In Idlib, there is no opportunity for a political solution, since Turkey does not want
and unready for it. In Idlib, the only choice proposed by America through its
pressures and threats is the coexistence with the remaining of areas as the size of half
of Lebanon under the control of Al-Qaeda organization under the pretext of
protecting the civilians but that is impossible to accept.
 Idlib battle will be a compulsory way to prevent the division of Syria and sharing it,
and a compulsory way to oust the forces of the American and the Turkish forces from
 Syria along with its allies will put tactical plans for the course of the battle to ensure
the winning in it with least loses among the civilians. Moreover Syria will be ready to
confront any attempt of chemical fabrication and the justification of American
aggression, therefore the allies will be with Syria in all the stages of the
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2018-09-02 | عدد القراءات 1795