Nasser Kandil wrote: If Al-Harir was serious

The Lebanese disagree on the relationship with Syria and on the weapons of the
resistance, but theoretically they agree on refusing the settlement of the Palestinian
refugees. The party allied with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries refuses the
accusations directed to it by the opposite party about the abandonment of the Gulf axis of
the Palestinian cause and its embroilment in the American-Israeli project to undermine it.
The Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri along with the former Deputy Walid Jumblatt took
the lead in talking about the adoption of the Palestinian cause and the support of the
struggle of its people at least in media.
 It is understandable that Al-Hariri seems unable to free himself from the Saudi pressures
concerning the issues of Hezbollah and the relationship with Syria. It is understandable
too that he is unable to overcome the Saudi veto on the formation of a government, but is
it understandable that Al-Hariri and Jumblatt kept silent after the US decision of stopping
funding the Palestinian Refugee Agency?
 The Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri presented a suggestion; to call the Arab
League for an emergency meeting and to put a detailed plan to compensate the stopped
funding which its value is 200 million dollars a year, without mentioning the Arab
wealth; i.e. the price of Mohammed Bin Salman’s yacht and palace equals this funding
for four years.
 If Al –Hariri was serious, he would leave the game of maneuver in forming the
government and would decide to have a tour to the Gulf countries to collect the needed
money and would adopt the call of the Speaker Berri immediately.
 Now the position towards the settlement is at stake, the interpretation is through deeds
not words.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2018-09-04 | عدد القراءات 1778