Nasser Kandil wrote: New Saudi failure

It can be said that the recent Saudi escalation which targeted the range of “kilo16”
On Hodeidah - Sanaa route failed despite the mobilization of three military
contingents, fifty tanks, and hundreds of vehicles. The attacking forces returned to
their positions after the Saudi aircraft burned everything in the port of Hodeidah
and its surrounding including grains stores and fuel tanks.
 Before that attack, the Saudis and the Emiratis tried to go to Marran Mountain in
Saada as a front; they talked a lot about many achievements that ended with
failure as in the fronts of Hajeh, Taiz, and the outskirts of Sanaa from the
province of Jawf.
 The balances of forces in the war on Yemen reveal that the Saudis have reached a
limit that they cannot go beyond, and it is not possible to bet on any field
achievement, since Ansar Allah are still have effective lethal weapons as the
ballistic missiles which the Saudis announce their repel. While the UN and the
western resources ensure the success of these missiles in penetrating the Saudi
defenses in Riyadh, Jazan, and Aramco.
 Martin Griffith’s recent tour as a UN envoy to Muscat with Ansar Allah in
preparation for new talks in Geneva after the failure of the talks a week ago
reveals the Saudi failure.

2018-09-19 | عدد القراءات 1733