It is difficult to imagine the holding of a summit between the Russian and the
Turkish Presidents after an apparent disagreement between them at Tehran
Summit, because the continuous disagreement concerning an issue such as the
battle of Idlib towards which the Russian President committed to fight without
hesitation required the avoidance of such a summit or postponing it even if its
date was determined before as an outcome of many discussions.
All the indicators accompanying the holding of the summit say that Turkey has
responded to the Russian demand by resolving its position and the recognition of
the impossibility of any political solution for the terrorist groups in Idlib and the
impossibility of avoiding a great military action. In return, Russia proposed the
division of the military solution into stages in order to measure the political and
the security possibilities between a round and another to behold Turkey the
responsibility of carrying them out if the opportunities were available.
The Russian red line starts with resolving the presence of the terrorist groups, then
the inclusion of those so- called by Turkey the opposing groups which affiliate to
it to a political process under the leadership of the Syrian country, its President,
and its army, finally to put a context for cooperation that ends with the oust of the
Turkish army from Syria within a framework that ensures the sovereignty of the
Syrian country over all its territories, the non-formation of a Kurdish state, and
the end of the US occupation.
The first, second, and third stages of the battle of Idlib will end with the
deployment of the Syrian army in most of the province of Idlib and eventually
gathering the groups affiliated to Turkey along with the Turkish army in a
northern bordered line, that its fate will be related to the fate of the eastern of
Euphrates area which its time begins.
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,
2018-09-24 | عدد القراءات 1631