Nasser Kandil wrote: Israel and the choice of keeping silent

Israel decided to stop the debate with Russia about the fall of the Russian plane which
Moscow behold Israel the responsibility of its fall, and about Russia’s decision to provide
Syria with the S-300 air defense system.
 The two causes are crucial, they infect Israel politically and militarily, but silence seemed
to be the best choices in Tel Aviv, because the preservation of the image of the strong
state is costly and the continuation of debate is a source of further tension with Moscow,
which Israel cannot bear its consequences in front of clear Russian determination to go
further if Israel continues its challenge.
 Realism and rationality won in Tel Aviv on the imperial delusions. The head of the
occupation government has restricted the speech to himself to prevent any escalation at
any difficult moment and fateful issues. He said we will continue striking the Iranian
presence in Syria and we will continue the coordination with Russia, this is the bilateral
which concerns us.
 It is clear that the one who won in Tel Aviv is the recognition that the surrounding
environment of the Israeli Air Defense movement has changed. Time is necessary to
know the magnitude of this change, so silence is useful, to wait for an appropriate
moment to resume the dialogue with Moscow after the recognition of the equation that
Russia was keen to impose “Moscow is the party which draws the red lines in the Syrian
airspace not Tel Aviv”.
 The three years which started with the Russian repositioning in Syria and ruled by an
equation of engagement rules imposed by Israel announce the end and the emergence of
new engagement rules, that are similar to what was before 2011 as a true content of the
concept of disengagement singed in 1974 which was adopted in Helsinki between the
Russian and US Presidents, according to the Russian –Syrian interpretation and contrary
to the American-Israeli interpretation.

2018-10-01 | عدد القراءات 1691