It is not the first time in which the Gulf leaders met Israeli officials, and it is not the first
time that reliable press reports talk about intelligence cooperation between the Gulf
governments and the occupation entity against the resistance forces and Iran.,
Everything was done secretly, including the cooperation to target the atomic energy
scientists in Iran or chasing the leaders of the resistance and gathering the information
about them, exchanging it, and the coordination of the activities which target them. Some
of them have been killed in Gulf cities.
During the conference which was held in New York under the title of “United against
Nuclear Iran” and under the auspices of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the
US National Security Advisor John Bolton, the Director of the Israeli Mossad Yossi
Cohen participated officially and publicly, along with the Saudi Minister of Foreign
Affairs, the Ambassadors of UAE and Bahrain, and the representative of Mansour Hadi.
The decisions of the conference were public. Their content is the political and security
coordination among the participants in confronting what they call as the common Iranian
It is no longer a shame to postpone in holding an international Arab Islamic conference
entitled “United against Israel” while Washington recognizes Jerusalem as its eternal and
united capital. And it is no longer a shame to participate with Israel in conferences and
conspiracies, where the Mossad is officially in the Gulf under the slogan of the
coordination against Iran, knowing that the geography of the Gulf is the closest to Iran.
2018-10-02 | عدد القراءات 1672