The Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri says that there will be no external interferences in
the formation of the government, the problems are internal, and that no one has talked
to him, so how there will be external interference?
Surely the answer is simple, because he is in front of internal problems that disrupt
every government in Lebanon. Usually the talk does not lead to disruption, while the
non-talk is the mechanism of disruption which just needs local reasons for the
interference to accelerate the formation of the government. This is how the problem
of the formation of the government of the Prime Minister Tamam Salam has been
resolved after seven months; its slogan was not to ally with Hezbollah before its
withdrawal from Syria, till the interference occurred asking to abandon the
intransigence which fell realistically after the victories of Hezbollah and the Syrian
The second form of interference to prevent the formation of a government is through
encouraging those who have unrealistic demands to stick to their demands as the
Lebanese Forces and the Progressive Socialist Party. The Prime Minister Al-Hariri
knows that they got a Saudi encouragement not to abandon, so he abides and obliged
to satisfy them. When the interference ends, the government is formed.
The Third form of interference to prevent the formation of a government is through
the external campaigns which seek for the intransigence of some of the interior, as the
attacks on Hezbollah and on the President of the Republic and the Free Patriotic
Movement. So those who follow the source of these attacks in the West and the Gulf
must wait because there are suspending bets.
No talking to Al-Hariri is a sign of the external factor of disruption not vice versa.
2018-10-08 | عدد القراءات 1835