Nasser Kandil wrote: Lebanon after Iraq

  • Once Iraq resolved the issues of presidencies which were pending for long months, there were signs in Beirut about the improvement of the situations and a kind of optimism for the closeness of the formation of a government, but without having any new facts that explain this optimism.
  • Those who are concerned in the governmental affairs do not know what created such optimism, but they know that there is an external talk about the closeness of the governmental entitlement in Lebanon.
  • The linkage is clear; we have repeatedly talked about it since the concurrence of timing of the parliamentary elections in the two countries,and the simultaneous procrastination under different titles that take into consideration the constitutional privacies, but they lead to one result; the pending of the governmental formation under falsepretexts.
  • The bets were on besieging the resistance axis before the battle of Idlib, and on bargaining between intimidation and provocation of Russia through recognizing its victory in Syria in exchange for the abandonment of Iran, but the results were reversed. Israel lost in Syria, while Russia and Iran won the bet of Idlib.
  • The Iranians and the resistance forces played with the Americans their own game, which is based on the policy of ignoring if the policy of agreeing failed. Therefore, the Americans accepted a relative loss in Iraq and now they are preparing themselves for a relative loss in Lebanon through ignoring rather than agreeing.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

2018-10-09 | عدد القراءات 1877