Let Saudi Arabia do it and it will a global political destination

Written by Nasser Kandil,

It seems that the fate of Jamal Al-Khashoggi in the article published in New York Times about the Saudi relationships a small detail, because it included a calling to remove the Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, it described him as a crazy, and it launched a violent campaign against what it described as the lies of reform, the combat of corruption, and the claims of protecting the freedoms. It indicated to the involvement of the US President Donald Trump and his family in the corruption of Bin Salman. It seems that the threat of US sanctions on Saudi Arabia is taken seriously by Bin Salman, and it seems that the response will be a coup in the international and regional equations and the position of Saudi Arabia in them, whether as alliances or disputes, in addition to the threat of exploding a global oil crisis.

It is not normal for Saudi Arabia to threat of an alliance with Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, or building a Russian military bases, and at the same time  the matter is not related to the crisis of Khashoggi’s disappearance. It is clear that the US-Saudi crisis is based on the Saudi failure in the war of Yemen and in “the deal of the century”, the closeness of the date of the strict anticipated sanctions on Iran which were a part of the US commitments to facilitate “the deal of the century”, and a kind of US abidance by Saudi and Israeli demands against Iran and its allies. But with the Saudi failure in finding the Palestinian partner in the abandonment of Jerusalem and the right of return “the deal of the century” ends, while with the steadiness of Russia and Iran in Syria and the provision of S-300 missiles Israel loses the ability to affect the balances of the region after its air defense became its only way to influence. It seems clear the US anticipated sanctions on Iran do not find international and regional partners, so they are doomed to fail.

It is clear that Washington enters the stage of preparation for the visit of the US National Security Adviser to Moscow, where he will draw with the Russian leadership the image of the new regional system, and where the Turkish role seems advanced while the Saudi role seems declined. Most importantly is that the Saudi-Israeli option which is based on the confrontation is declining while the Turkish option which is based on the involvement into settlements is advancing. It seems that politically Khashoggi’s case is at stake between Turkey and Saudi Arabia exactly as the case of the American pastor Andrew Brunson between Turkey and America.

It is important that the Saudi threat of making an economic, political, strategic, and military coup says first that the crisis is big. Second, it says that the Saudi leadership is aware that its disputes with Iran and the resistance forces do not stem from Saudi interests rather from the meeting on the US interests. Third, it says that Saudi Arabia is not in danger from the threats of Iran and the resistance forces rather from Washington, and it does not need a US protection from a fake danger, and it is not obliged to bear the humiliation of the successive insults. Fourth, it says that Saudi Arabia is aware that what Iran and the resistance forces were calling for was true, as it is aware that this is not above its capacity, since it says today that it is able to turn the balances against the Americans and to change the rules of the game regionally and internationally. Saudi Arabia is reassured that if it will do so it will be welcomed by Iran and the resistance forces which do not have feeling of outrage and do not find any interest in the resorting of Saudi Arabia to America and its blind subordination and humiliation, since they will be with it as long as it is serious in its being away from the humiliation resulted from the American orders and refusing the endless blackmail by virtue of the protection from the perceived threat of Iran.

Let Saudi Arabia do it and the Arabs will be fine at their forefront Palestine, and thus Saudi Arabia will become a global political destination.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2018-10-22 | عدد القراءات 1759