Since the end of the war of July 2006 and despite the temptations of the war on Syria that
suggest the change of the deterrence balance across the Lebanese border, it was proven
that the stubborn and the arrogant “ Israel” knows the meaning of being under deterrence
so it behaves realistically. This is the meaning of the Israeli words about chasing the
shipments of the resistance weapons across Syria and the avoidance of the military act in
The image of the “realistic Israel” has been repeated after the handing over of the Russian
S-3oo missiles to the Syrian army through dealing with the new fait accompli by avoiding
the involvement in unconsidered confrontation, it has stopped its raids at least now,
because despite its claims that it is still strong, it takes the erosion of its force into
consideration before being involved in its use.
On the borders of Gaza there are Israeli crowds, threats, and talk about major military
operation. Throughout decades Israel formulated a military approach entitled the choice
of war instead of bearing the burdens of the slow continuous attrition. Today in Gaza it is
front of a test of applying this approach through which it worked for long decades but it
is no longer useful.
The concern from the consequences of war and the involvement in them leads the Israeli
leadership to think seriously in a reverse equation, its basis is the coexistence with the
long attrition instead of the involvement in a war that it can start but it is not possible to
control its path or to draw its end.
2018-11-01 | عدد القراءات 1714