Between the congressional vote and Sweden’s understandings concerning Yemen

Written by Nasser Kandil,

As it is difficult to separate between the region’s wars waged by Washington and the size of the Saudi involvement in them, and as it is difficult to imagine the decline of the Saudi status and the non-impact of the wars by it, it is difficult to imagine the non-impact of the opposite alliance of the resistance axis especially Iran, which the US President Donald Trump has justified its confrontation through his sticking to the strong relationship with Saudi Arabia.  It is difficult too to imagine the progress of a fair compromise in Yemen that preserves for Ansar Allah an important future role and an active presence in the formulation of a new state that ends the war waged by Saudi Arabia and UAE which was supported by Washington without affecting the regional status of Iran and without affecting the parallel tracks in the confrontation between the alliance of Washington and Riyadh on one hand, and the alliance of Moscow and Tehran on the other hand.

It is no longer difficult to describe what is going on as a double track, that will end with a new status of Saudi Arabia in Washington differs from the one imposed by the President Trump where the Saudi Crown Prince is the betting horse in it, whether in the confrontation with Iran or in the protection of Israel or in the project of the deal of the century, and that will end with a Yemeni settlement where Saudi Arabia emerges weaker and where the Yemeni state is reformed according to the criteria of balance imposed by the steadfastness of the Yemenis. The Congressional vote to cease the Saudi-Emirati war on Yemen is a double sign of the status of Saudi Arabia and the future of the war of Yemen.

The Congress and the intelligence intervene to correct the American track when the presidency lives in a state of denial, and when it is difficult to correct it during the complexities against Russia on one hand and the complexities related to the security of Israel on the other hand, so they choose Saudi Arabia which failed in achieving its commitments and Yemen which has a dark image for America due to its brutal crimes. But the goal cannot be separated from the apparent repercussions; The cessation of the war on Yemen and the adjustment of the classification of Saudi Arabia politically and strategically have their repercussions on the balances of the confrontations in the region on which the American power and the size of its impact on making politics in the world depend, where Iran, Russia, China are present.

The attitudes of the escalating confrontations in Washington towards the President Trump which the midterm elections formed an opportunity to show them as an expression of the public opinion that presages the upcoming presidential elections, and the parallel international attitudes to resize the status of Saudi Arabia, moreover the attitudes which wonder about the future of Israel and what can it do in the light of the escalating of the Palestinian resistance and the growing increasing popular presence which supports the resistance and the intifada are signs that show that the time of change imposed by the victories of Syria, the steadfastness of Yemen, the stability of Palestine, the rise of Iran, the progress of Russia, and the growing capabilities of China is the time that cannot be denied by stubbornness,  but it can be adapted and coexisted with its results, and to search for settlements, but when it is difficult to do so, it is possible resort to compromises.

Translated by Lina Shehadeh,


2018-12-19 | عدد القراءات 1591