Nasser Kandil wrote: Manbij summarizes the scene

The Qatari media was preoccupying in publishing narrations that doubt the entry of
the Syrian army to Manbij, the city which was the focus of the global media for
months through the words of the Turkish and the US Presidents and the meetings of
the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs and the chiefs of Staff in America and
 The Syrian army is not concerned in that discussion, because what is important
politically and in sovereignty is that Manbij has become under its control, even if it is
true what has been said that the army has allowed for a group to raise the Syrian flag
in it.
 In other words, those who want to launch a military campaign entitled the entry to
Manbij have to take into consideration that they announce a state of war against
Syria. This is the concept of the real red line in the international politics.
 The Turks have taken immediately the initiative to go to Moscow through a high
delegation that includes the Ministers of Defense and the Foreign Affairs, as well as
the Head of Intelligence and the Chief of Staff. The delegation returned to announce
an understanding on the military and political coordination with Russia and Iran
especially for the post - American withdrawal stage.
 The performance of the Syrian country in Manbij is an example that summarizes the
scene, and it will be repeated later in other Syrian areas, as the Turkish behavior
which will be an example of the subsequent behavior.
 This is the meaning of the principled alliances and the meaning of the Syrian victory
which is expanding to the international borders in the north and east.

2019-01-06 | عدد القراءات 1643