The Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmad Aboul Gheit is still giving evidences
that he does not care about the Arab interest and that he belongs to the American-Israeli
campaign which he revealed his connection with it when he declared when he was a
Foreign Minister of Egypt and during the Israeli war on Gaza that he would break the feet
of the sons of Gaza if they approach the borders of Egypt.
Now Aboul Gheit is talking about Syria, putting conditions for its return to the Arab
League, and indicating that there is no consensus on its return.
Aboul Gheit does pay attention that the Arab League is no longer has Arabic name
since it stopped the membership of Syria and issued decisions that turned it into
one of the American-Israeli war institutions with Arab tongue and money.
Does Aboul Gheit think that if Syria is asked to return back to the Arab League
without conditions, he would not hear conditions that are related to the role of the
Arab League towards Palestine, normalization projects, and the role of the Arab
League in defending the Arab interests?
It was hard and embarrassed for the Syrian leadership to be called for the retrun,
since the majority of the Syrians do not want this return. It is necessary after the
League has covered the wars of America on Libya, Yemen, and Syria to think
deeply whether it is worth to continue or a new Arab League that is independent
from America has become a necessity?
2019-02-12 | عدد القراءات 1867