In order to accept to give a new opportunity to the government, we must see if it presents
something new. Something that must touch what the people talk in their daily life as
suffering and complaint.
Will the new government form ministerial committees within specific deadlines
as weeks to set clear detailed plans to solve the crises such as electricity and
garbage? Or will it be as always more loans from international sources for big
projects that soon become under quotas, and need after few years for more loans,
because the crises were not solved, as the electricity three decades ago?
Will the government put radical solutions for simple problems that will be
repeated every year in every winter as the flood of the Ghadir River and the
closure of Jal El Dib and Dbayeh road?
Will the ministers abide by not allowing their relatives to involve into contracts of
interest with the country, including businessmen who are establishing partnerships
that pave the way for the privatization of lucrative sectors in the country?
Will the ministers and the government abide by not allowing the patronage in
appointment in order to believe that the fighting of corruption as patronage and
quotas is possible especially in the first categories?
The negative answer seems painful, but it seems realistic. Therefore, it is difficult
to consider this government as a new government even if those who are
concerned in its formation succeeded in torturing the Lebanese and humiliating
them through the delaying in its formation, till their demand became just to have a
government, any government!.
2019-02-13 | عدد القراءات 1706