Nasser Kandil wrote: The meeting of the Russian-American Chiefs of Staff

The obstacle in achieving any Russian-American cooperation or coordination is created
by America because the cooperation is mere an American recognition of Russia’s new
status which it wants to deny.
 Anyone who observes the American escalation discourse whether in the issue of the
obstruction of working in the missile treat or in the classification of the American
national concept of Russia as an enemy will get surprised upon hearing a meeting that
brought together the US Chief of Staff Joseph Dunford and the Russian Chief of Staff
Vasilyevich Gerasimov in Vienna.
 The meeting was under the title of the situation in Syria at a time in which Washington
talks about its intention to leave a part of its troops there.
 Certainly, the meeting is not to coordinate in the issue of staying or to organize its form at
a time in which Moscow says that Washington has to withdraw all its troops from Syria
since they are illegitimate, it beholds it the responsibility of sheltering the terrorist groups
from Tanf base to the outskirts of Deir Al Zour.
 Certainly, in the past America has proposed its withdrawal versus the Iranian withdrawal
from Syria, now it observes the preparations for Idlib battle, so it is aware of the danger
of its staying in Syria, so it proposed less expensive offer especially after the failure of
Netanyahu in Moscow in restoring the opportunities of the military action in Syria and
his acceptance to discuss diplomatic formulas for the exit of all foreign forces from Syria.
The new American offer is to swap the American withdrawal from the southern of Syria
with the Iranian withdrawal from the south, and later the withdrawal from the north
versus the Iranian withdrawal from the north.
 Reducing the American ceilings will continue till Washington withdraws its forces once
the Constitutional Commission will start its works and as long as the Russian-Iranian-
Syria alliance is coherent and sticking to the constants of the Syrian sovereignty.
Translatedby Lina Shehadeh,

2019-03-18 | عدد القراءات 1706