The most dangerous thing in the battle of corruption is the infiltration of weakness and
despair to the ranks of the honest due to the inability to take immediately the corrupters to
the courts or the failure in restoring some of the looted money, because this will miss the
gains of the campaign imposed by the political environment in order not to manipulate in
the public funds.
It is also dangerous to adopt theories as “what was in the past has gone”, and “what is the
most important now is the future” because this tells the corrupters that you can continue
corrupting as long as there will be who will say what was in the past has gone. So it is
better to keep the files open but not to exonerate the corrupters.
The achieved gains are so big and should not be underestimated, despite the talk about
red lines. It is enough for the corrupters to be in a state of defense, tension, anxiety, and
alert, trying to politicize the issue in anticipation of any prosecution, as it is enough that
the ministers, managers, and senior officials feel afraid to sign on incomplete transactions
whether in employing or in expenditure. The state of tension is in itself a deterrent factor
to think before committing abuses.
It is important to keep this state prevailing, because the most important achievement is
the reconstituting of the public finance after a state of disinterest that lasted for quarter-
century in order to prevent questioning or accountability. Among the achieved issues
there will be investigations made by institutions that will lead to figures and names, so
even if the process of persecution is not easy but it is important that we progress even
Translatedby Lina Shehadeh,
2019-03-24 | عدد القراءات 1804