In order to simplify the image of the enormous changes imposed by the resistance and its
victories on the international and regional scene, let’s imagine that if the US President
H.W. Bush in conjunction with the fall of Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet
Union recognized the Israeli sovereignty over Golan and that Palestinian bullets were
shot on a settlement near Gaza Strip, then what would happen?
The US President would go to the Security Council and issued ratification on his
decision, and the Israeli Prime Minister would launch a military campaign on Gaza Strip
that would crush, kill, and destroy it, he would start a displacing campaign from Golan
hoping to turn the American ratification into reality.
But thirty years later, the US President signed the awaited document, the Israeli Prime
Minister traveled to celebrate, but a reckless Palestinian rocket fell on Tel Aviv, so he
stopped the celebration and was unable to go to war, moreover, the US President was
unable to respond to the campaigns of the Security Council which considered his decision
baseless and valueless.
Netanyahu and Trump are exchanging presents at the time of disability, because now it is
the time of the resistance and what is happening says one thing that the time of the
political solutions, compromises, negotiation, and the support of the occupation is over,
and the only safe available way is the way of resistance and weapons.
Translatedby Lina Shehadeh,
2019-04-01 | عدد القراءات 1730