Nasser Kandil wrote: Venezuela and Moscow’s position

Within two months of the start of the crisis in Venezuela and the project of the
programmed coup by America, Moscow took a similar step to what it did in confronting
the American war on Syria after four years; Russian military aircrafts carrying hundreds
of experts landed in Caracas Airport in order to implement previous military agreements
between the two countries.
 The war on Syria facilitated understanding what is going on in Venezuela according to
the Venezuelan leaders themselves, and what has been achieved in Syria due to
steadfastness made Venezuela more confident of its ability to overthrow the coup.
 Although the Americans were able to have control over the parliamentary majority and
the Speaker of the parliament, they could not terrify Venezuela’s allies from supporting
the President Maduro, and from calling for an internal political solution that is based on
non- external interference. But when America intended to interfere and to refuse the
internal solutions, the second step has been achieved through external military balance,
after the firsts step; the veto to prevent manipulating with the Venezuelan legitimacy.
 Venezuela will follow Syria towards achieving its victory. Moscow is moving towards
ensuring its role as a protector of the international law and a keeper of the sovereignty of
the countries; this is the meaning of the superpower.
Translatedby Lina Shehadeh,

2019-04-03 | عدد القراءات 1840